Sunday, September 9, 2007

Version 2.5c

Hey, heres 2.5c, because 2.5b sucks almost as bad as 2.5. But, this should be the last bug fix, since now I had someone help me test it in multiplayer.

The problem I was having is that I didn't have any way to test it in multiplayer, and that means lots of things I had went untested. Well, now its all tested, all playable, and all good. Thanks Spirit for helping me test!

Also, one of the things that i'm not too sure about is the prop health. I had no problem testing it with spirit, it worked fine. When props were attacked, their health went down and they eventually exploded. But when I played in =SF='s server on 2.5b the props didn't take damage. I have a feeling this is due to some sort of prop protection. Are there any prop protectors that prevent people from damaging other people's props?

Well anyway, here it is! Enjoy

Important Note!: I didn't really feel like uploading the entire pack (making it quicker for me and for downloaders) so this pack does not include the content. Yes! that means no materials, models and such. If you have not ever downloaded the global rp server files before, you will need to download version 2.0 first! But! That does not mean you should not DELETE ALL OLD FILES FIRST, EXCEPT THE CONTENT. For dummies, delete everything in your gamemodes/globalrp/ folder EXCEPT gamemodes/globalrp/content and then replace yours with mine. Yes?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Version 2.5b
Some admin deleted my file on, so looks like i'm going to have to turn to filefront for hosting, sorry.

Hey, it seems version 2.5 was a little buggier than I had originally thought. Heres the fix.

Important Note!: I didn't really feel like uploading the entire pack (making it quicker for me and for downloaders) so this pack does not include the content. Yes! that means no materials, models and such. If you have not ever downloaded the global rp server files before, you will need to download version 2.0 first! But! That does not mean you should not DELETE ALL OLD FILES FIRST, EXCEPT THE CONTENT. For dummies, delete everything in your gamemodes/globalrp/ folder EXCEPT gamemodes/globalrp/content and then replace yours with mine. Yes?

-----Version 2.5b-----
[!] Lots of bug fixes

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Version 2.5


I also updated the mapping tutorial, it now contains information on flags and such.

Hey, long time no update. I know a lot of you had been thinking I had given up, but i'm here to say no. Just lots of school and hanging with friends, little coding here and there.

However, the stuff that I did add in is pretty cool. Theres three major changes that you will notice: player respawn time, ability to choose a spawnpoint, and all props are now breakable. Yes! That means that if you shoot a prop with an ak47, it WILL now eventually break.

Some cool notes on breakable props:

  • The weaker the props is, the blacker it is (yes, how original)
  • Prop health is determined by prop mass (weight for dummies), and prop size.
  • At a certain point, prop mass will no longer be calculated into the prop health, and at a certain point the prop health is capped. (preventing invulnerable props)
  • As if that isn't cool enough, props also have resistance depending on the type of the prop. For example, a glass prop will explode (yes, because all props explode) quicker than a metal prop, even if the glass prop has more health than the metal prop.
When you die, your screen will go black, and a red timer will appear in the middle of your screen. If you own any planets (or your team owns planets and it's in war mode) you will be able to press f4 and choose that spawnpoint. The name you choose will be the name players assigned the spawnpoint when they captured the planet.

Almost forgot, this hasn't been 100% thoroughly tested, since I don't really have a test server anymore. (But it shouldn't be all tooo bad)

Important Note!: I didn't really feel like uploading the entire pack (making it quicker for me and for downloaders) so this pack does not include the content. Yes! that means no materials, models and such. If you have not ever downloaded the global rp server files before, you will need to download version 2.0 first! But! That does not mean you should not DELETE ALL OLD FILES FIRST, EXCEPT THE CONTENT. For dummies, delete everything in your gamemodes/globalrp/ folder EXCEPT gamemodes/globalrp/content and then replace yours with mine. Yes?

-----Version 2.5-----
[+] Added grp_flag to entities (see mapping tutorial for additional information)
[+] Added a player respawn timer
[+] Added the ability to choose your spawnpoint
[+] Added a Planet count to the top bar
[+] Added the ability to add custom songs to the grp jukebox (see data/GlobalRP/musicdata.txt)
[+] Added console command grp_playsong (complete with autocomplete)
[+] Updated the console command grp_help
[+] Made all props breakable

[!] Fixed grp_nexttrack

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Perma Banned

So, I got permanently banned. Somehow, I don't seem to mind all too much. Facepunch = Nazi

I'll continue to update the mod via blogger if you're interested.

For all interested, heres the post that I got banned by, and heres the conversation I had with a moderator:

Hey, would someone please unban me, i've done nothing that would warrant a permanent ban.

Yes, I have 2 accounts, ring22ding and ring-ding, but so what? Creating another account means that I should get permanently banned? This is ridiculous. After all i've given to the community I guess this is what I get back.

Real great, thank you postal. You really do your job wonderfully.

Lying to us isn't very smart.

Originally Posted by ring2ding:

This is closed due to nigga newfag niggers that stick it in her pooper or stick it in his pooper or it didn't happen with also cocks due to aids. Pools closed because of aids and or it didn't happen.

( INSTABANNED Used the word nigga )
( INSTABANNED Used the word nigger )
( INSTABANNED Used the word stick it in his )
( INSTABANNED Used the word stick it in her )
( INSTABANNED Used the word )
( INSTABANNED Used the word newfag )
( INSTABANNED Used the word in her pooper )
( INSTABANNED Used the word stick it in her pooper )
( INSTABANNED Used the word also cocks )
( INSTABANNED Used the word or it didn't happen )
( INSTABANNED Used the word closed due to )
( INSTABANNED Used the word because of aids )
( INSTABANNED Used the word due to aids )
( INSTABANNED Used the word pools closed )
(User was banned for this post (Reason: Wants to be banned. (in post "Re: I'm supposed to be grading papers..." by postal)))

Rule 9: Purposely breaking any of these rules with an alt account will get all your accounts permabanned.

Ok, a couple things i've got to say:

I'm not going to get angry and cuss you out like most people, i'm going to keep this civil, you're just trying to do your job.

Now first of all, yes, the names are similar. But because they are similar, you decide to ban everyone with a similar name? Does that make sense? Lets say you did decide that it was me, does this make sense? Are you going to follow the rules like some mindless robot, banning anyone that disobeys them? Or are you going to use your mind and think and question? Are you going to think, "hey, does it really make sense to do this? Are there times when it makes sense to stray from the rules every now and then?"

So now great, you've banned my accounts. You've already seen how easy it is for me to make alternate accounts. I could make 5 more alternate accounts and you wouldn't be any the wiser, so whats the point?

Should something that was designed as a joke really be taken that seriously?

There's one thing you seem to have completely forgotten about: IP SEARCH

The IP's match. Deny it all you want, that's your alt, and you just broke the rules with it. The rules are crystal clear about shit like this: PERMABAN ON ALL ACCOUNTS.

I hadn't forgotten, I just wanted to see how smart you are.

Even so, i've still got some options.

  • Restart my router and be delt a fresh IP
  • Bid this nazi camp fucking adeu

Unless something extraordinary happens, these will be my last words on this forum.


Thoughts On The Next Version

Here are some of the things I plan on including in the next version:

Mine Racing
Mine Racing, an additional server mode, will pin the two teams against eachother in a race to mine the most rocks and gather the most resources in a timelimit.

New Mapper's Entity
The new entity will allow mappers to more precisely designate the spawnpoint of flags. This entity is not required, but helps for flags that are currently being spawned in lakes and things. This entity will be invisible to players.

Player Respawn Timer
This will end up being much like day of defeat. When a player dies, he will have to wait (probably about 10 seconds) to respawn.

Spawnpoint Choosing
Players will be able to choose where they want to spawn. The default spawnpoint will be their home planet, but if they own additional planets, they will have the option to spawn there (through another gui of course).

Planet Count
This will simply be an addition to the player's top bar, displaying how many planets the player currently owns. (thanks croxmeister!)

New Map: GRP_IRAS15072-40

Spacew00t has finally released his map, GRP_IRAS15072-40, and I must say, it looks beautiful. Check it out here, a lot of servers are already running it. (I am a little late in the posting)

It is a must download for all and any GRP fans.

Version 2.0

Well, it's been released. This is a big update people, includes some cool additional features.

The biggest addition is war mode. In the spawnmenu under utilities you can change the mode to war mode. I would only suggest doing this when each team is about even and has at least 2 people on each team. Most likely you will need to explain the rules first. When no admins are presant, I would switch it back to free mode.

Free mode is simply how it was in 1.5, except you can now capture planets (by pressing e on the flags).

War mode pins the two races against eachother, racing to capture eachother's main planet. You must capture all of the other race's surrounding planets before you can capture their main planet. The winning race recieves $1000.

In addition, there is now a small income system. You now recieve $25 for each planet you have captured (free mode) or each planet your team has captured (war mode). Enjoy!

-----Version 2.0-----
[+] Added server modes
[+] Added War mode to server modes (press f1 ingame for help)
[+] Added capturing of planets

Monday, August 13, 2007

Progress Report

Rather ironic, the day I started working on the mod and adding loads of cool stuff, we had a server drop their support for grp because I hadn't released any new material. I don't know if you noticed, but the [TGC] server requested a couple of days ago that I remove them from the servers list, so of course I did. I have a feeling they will be back after the next update though =).

So, now you're wondering, what is it that i've done? Well, in about 2 days i've created a planet capturing system from the ground up, and if I may say so myself, it is awesome. Not only that, i've also already added a gamemode mode system, allowing for server admins to either allow globalrp to be played the way it is now (free mode), or with the team planet capturing system (war mode) (also making room for a race mining mode).

Excited? I am.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Humans vs Aliens

Since the whole pre-built spaceship thing didn't work out all too well, I think that i'm going to further the gamemode by following up on the ideas on the idea thread (Which will be much easier now that an eager mapper, Spacew00t, joined the team).

So, this means that I probably will be bringing back server modes (mods for a mod for a mod) which will be adding some sort of objective.

Current ideas:

race mining - whichever team reaches x amount of resources first wins

planetary capture - each planet will be captureable, whichever team captures all the planets wins

capture the flag - each team has a flag, the opposite team tries to capture it, duh

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Version 1.5

So, i've pretty much finished up version 1.5, just hunting down 1 minor bug. Gonna be released sometime today (probably). Heres the changelog:

-----Version 1.5-----

[+] Added a removal timer to small rocks

[+] Added a maximum amount of small rocks allowed (rocks removed if limit exceeded)

[!] Fixed an issue with the help menu caused by the new garrysmod update

[!] Fixed rock respawning

[!] Stopped the alyxgun from screwing up suitcase pickups (giving unlimited money and spamming alyxguns)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Post!

This blog turned out to be a little longer than I first expected, so I decided to break it into parts.


Hey, for all those that still care about Global RP, here's where you can now catch the latest on the mod. You can expect me to post something here much more often than on the website, so feel free to check back regularly.

I know, I know, we have a beautiful website, why not use that? Well, because truthfully, I haven't heard from Chris (the web designer) in about 2 months, and I can't edit it.

Progress Update

So, heres where the mod stands. The past couple of days, i've been working on the SENT spaceships. I have somewhat of a base down, but not really. Every time I code something, it turns out beautifully, then the whole ship just spazzes out. I just think that Half-Life 2 was not designed for things like this, i'm pretty much giving up hope (which doesn't happen often).

Now, don't get me wrong. The way that I was approaching it is practically hopeless. My ship was 100% custom, no hoverballs, no thrusters, no anything. I just think that if this is going to happen, it's going to require hoverballs. Which then gets down to the point of why not simply having a saver/loader built in, that way it won't require knowledge of lua.

Me Whining

From where I stand now, thats where i'd like to head the project. However, if you have a grasp on lua and would like to give a shot at it, please, be my guest. Or, maybe you'd like to make a larger commitment? So far, "our team" consists of me, an lua coder.

Being part of "our team" simply would mean I might ask you to do something every now and then, nothing entirely time consuming (I usually deal with those tasks myself). All that I am saying is that it might be nice to have another coder to help me out every now and then.

What Next?

So, now what am I going to work on next? I have absolutely no idea. This whole ships thing basically backfired. This whole galatic police deal isn't exactly thought out very well, and theres no point to drugs without policemen to enforce them. I suppose that leaves me with implementing a save/load system? But why? Advance duplicator seems to work fine for that sort of thing. Do I really need to build it into Global RP?