Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gamemode Name Change: Spacebuild Factions

Global RP will henceforth be known as Spacebuild Factions, or simply Factions. Hopefully this will attract some new players!

Also, this blog is now retired. The new one can be found at:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Version 2.7c

I'm done with 2.7c, and it seems now that all of the bugs are crushed.

Global RP Server 2.7c

-----Version 2.7c----
[+] New players now start with $500

[!] Ironsights are no longer forced by default
[!] Changed physgun cost from $250 to $150
[!] Fixed an incompatibility issue with Spacetech's Prop Protection relating to flag capturing
[!] Players now get 100% of money spent back when selling props
[!] Changed planet income from $50 to $100
[!] Fixed players not being able to hurt eachother
[!] Fixed Global RP ships not loading in Advanced Duplicator

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Excellent News For Global RP!

Today I purchased a 12 slot server located in Texas from Mammoth Games.

Also, I will be selling admin for $2 a month to help cover the cost of the server.

So, enjoy the server over this next month guys! (they don't come cheap) I'm not sure right now if i'm going to renew it once this month is over, we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Version: 2.7b

This version fixes some bugs found mostly by Lucky To Shoot. Thanks again lucky!

The reason the turret was a little messed up is because the turret requires the weight stool to function properly. From now on this won't be added to advanced duplicator if the weight stool isn't loaded on the server (this also applies to all other grp ships (and grp ships to come)).

Global RP Server 2.7

Don't forget to download the newest Global RP Content package! (required for servers, the older packages WILL NOT WORK AS OF VERSION 2.7)

-----Version 2.7b----
[!] Fixed Garry's camera
[!] Fixed spawning of transformers
[!] Fixed a bug preventing transformer removal reimbursement
[!] Fixed bug: Timer Error: globalrp\gamemode\server/entdamagesystem.lua:176: attempt to index global 'ent' (a nil value)
[!] Fixed the GRP turret
[!] GRP ships with required addons will no longer be added to Advanced Duplicator if the addon is not loaded on the server
[!] Wire simple explosive is now restricted by default

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Version 2.7 Finished!

I'm completely done with version 2.7 and its ready for testing. Only problem is that I don't have any testers, so I'm going to release this as is. I'll keep version 2.6 up incase there are any problems.

Global RP Server 2.7

Don't forget to download the newest Global RP Content package! (required for servers, the older packages WILL NOT WORK AS OF 2.7)

-----Version 2.7-----
[+] Costs added to toolguns in spawnmenu
[+] Friendly fire rules now apply to players and their props
[+] Added cost support for the SBMP Beam Cannon
[+] Added cost support for the stacker tool
[+] Weapons are now purchased via the spawnmenu (F4 now brings up the spawnpoint selection menu)
[+] Significantly reduced required downloadable client content
[+] Added default menus for players without the Global RP Content package
[+] Added additional options to the Global RP admin menu (via utilities in the spawnmenu)
[+] Added default advanced duplicator ships for those with the advanced duplicator addon (2 seater explorer and turret)
[+] Major code reworking and reorganization

[!] Stopped Gcombat weapons and the SBMP Beam Cannon from destroying worldspawn transformers and flags
[!] Fixed countless money exploitations
[!] Minor bug fixes

[!] This version does not support SB3. SB3 support will be added upon its offical release.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Progress Uncertain

I've finished the mod and sent it to Masada for testing, but theres just one problem. I've got it running flawlessly on my dedicated, listen, and singleplayer, but we just can't seem to get it working right on his server.

Maybe some of you would like to test it for us and verify that its working? Also, you'll need a new content package, the old one won't work anymore.

Global RP Server 2.7 Beta

Global RP Content 3

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Default Menus Finished

Today I finished up the default menus, and while they aren't the prettiest thing i've ever made, they'll suffice.

Default Help Menu (F1)

Default Team Menu (F2)

Weapons Menu (formerly F4, F4 is now spawnpoint menu)

Default Scoreboard (Tab)

Also, Masada, our dedicated server host, pointed out to me that people were taking advantage of the system using stacker, so i'll be adding support for that to our system to prevent that.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weapons Menu

Today I got about 1 and a half to 2 solid hours of work done on the spawnmenu, specifically the weapons portion of it.

I was searching Garry's blog when I came across this interesting post, specifically:

A few people had requested the ability to draw models onto panels too, so I give
you.. DModelPanel!

local Window = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
local mdlPanel =
vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", Window )
mdlPanel:SetSize( 300, 300
mdlPanel:SetPos( 10, 20 )
mdlPanel:SetModel( "models/player/breen.mdl"
mdlPanel:SetAnimSpeed( 0.5 )
mdlPanel:SetAnimated( false
mdlPanel:SetAmbientLight( Color( 50, 50, 50 )
mdlPanel:SetDirectionalLight( BOX_TOP, Color( 255, 255, 255 )
mdlPanel:SetDirectionalLight( BOX_FRONT, Color( 255, 255, 255 )
mdlPanel:SetCamPos( Vector( 50, 50, 50 ) )
mdlPanel:SetLookAt( Vector(
0, 0, 40 ) )
mdlPanel:SetFOV( 70 )
Window:SetSize( 320, 330
false )

I never knew about DModelPanels before this post, so I decided to mess around and give it a shot. Heres some screenshots of the weapons section of the spawnmenu now:

As you can see, weapons without formal pictures will now display their world model, schnazzy eh? Yeah, the camera isn't really centered and zoomed properly so it looks weird, but maybe i'll work on that a little tomorrow, its bed time for now.

(On the second picture you can also see another addition that I made a while back. By default all additional server sweps (excluding the GRP ones) will be spawnable only via admins. However, you can customize this in the config files, giving admins total and easy management of sweps and their spawning.)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Progress Update

No new version yet, just posting to keep you guys in the loop on what i've been doing and some information on the status of Global RP.

Sorry its been a while, but i've sort of taken a little bit of a break from Global RP, which is due to my new computer. I've been thinking of getting a new computer for quite some time now, so two weeks ago I ordered a bunch of parts from newegg.

Dear diary, look how awesome I am

Last weekend I put it together (first time building my own computer) and since then i've just kinda been monkeying around with it. I've had a little bit of trouble getting it to work (at first I almost broke the motherboard by screwing in all the mounting screws to the case, which caused it to bend the motherboard). The problem thats cost me the most time has been windows, however, I hate microsoft. Aparrantly microsoft has different versions of their OS; OEM, upgrade, and full version. I'm not going to get into explaining what the differences between them all are (google is great for that) but it turns out I had an OEM version and it wouldn't let me use that on my new computer.

So, since i'm so awesome, I stuck my middle finger up to microsoft and installed linux. Linux is awesome, but theres only 1 problem with it. Nobody fucking makes software for linux! Steam games don't work on linux (excluding Wine, which I spent countless hours getting to work, and it only somewhat works. I can't get my beloved Left 4 Dead to work on it, otherwise I would be using Linux right now).

So I switched back to windows. But, like I mentioned before, I'm awesome and I found a way to get around their bullshit activation software that wants me to buy a new version of windows. I'm not going to say how I did it on here, because I don't want to get in trouble, but it was pretty badass, and I actually wrote my own c++ software to assist me =D.

My new computer alltogether cost me $378.43 (I took some parts from my old computer, like hard drives and a DVD reader), and is ultimately badass (excluding my god damn OS problem):
MSI DKA790GX Motherboard
AMD Phenom 9950 2.6GHz Quad-Core Black Edition Processor
Thermaltake Purepower 600 Watt Power Supply
Thermaltake M9 Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case
OCZ Reaper HPC Edition 4GB (2 x 2GB) Memory

Global RP Related

I haven't done any work on Global RP in the past 2 weeks, but before I started messing around with linux and building a new computer I got some work done. All i'm doing is reporting that work. Heres my todo list:

-make materials optional
-respawn rocks on other planets (LuckyToShoot)
-default adv dup ships

-bug fixes
-fixed money exploit
-costs added to toolguns in spawnmenu
-friendly fire settings now applys to props too
-fixed gcombat destroying worldspawn transformers
-weapons now purchased via spawnmenu

Click on the images to get a better view.

So as you can see, i'm still in the process of making default menus, however i've changed the way weapons are purchased, for all players. Weapons are now purchased via the spawnmenu. I've edited the spawnmenu to list (and correctly charge players) the weapons I want in the way I want it to, and i'm actually pretty pleased with it. The only thing is that I couldn't find any appropriate icons for the equipment, and I don't really want to include images for them (forcing new players to have to wait while they download them), but we'll see what happens. Maybe i'll include images in the content package.

Another addition I made to the spawnmenu: costs are now added for most toolguns in the toolguns list. If you click on the images you should be able to see what I mean more clearly. However I wasn't able to include prices for all of the stools, because some of the stools spawn more than one entity. (such as the gcombat stool, and the lifesupport stools) Maybe i'll figure out a way to do that later (probably not till after I release this version).

So, as you can see i've made some pretty good progress, but i've still got some more work to do. I plan on starting when I can, but it might be a little tough this weekend. Todays (saturday) already shot, and tomorrow i've got to work on applying to college and other chores but I promise i'll get some work done sometime soon.


Somebody asked me on my last post:

I was wondering if you had any plans for GRP using spacebuild 3. Since most people have switched over to sb3 and sb3 is incompatible with sb2...you might see a boost in players, and possibly a revival of GRP.

While I agree with this, I am extremely resistant to upgrade Global RP to the new spacebuild until its offical release.

Server Info

Looks like we've got another official server, big thanks to Masada.

Don't be afraid to post comments and feedback, its always appreciated.