Sunday, September 2, 2007

Version 2.5


I also updated the mapping tutorial, it now contains information on flags and such.

Hey, long time no update. I know a lot of you had been thinking I had given up, but i'm here to say no. Just lots of school and hanging with friends, little coding here and there.

However, the stuff that I did add in is pretty cool. Theres three major changes that you will notice: player respawn time, ability to choose a spawnpoint, and all props are now breakable. Yes! That means that if you shoot a prop with an ak47, it WILL now eventually break.

Some cool notes on breakable props:

  • The weaker the props is, the blacker it is (yes, how original)
  • Prop health is determined by prop mass (weight for dummies), and prop size.
  • At a certain point, prop mass will no longer be calculated into the prop health, and at a certain point the prop health is capped. (preventing invulnerable props)
  • As if that isn't cool enough, props also have resistance depending on the type of the prop. For example, a glass prop will explode (yes, because all props explode) quicker than a metal prop, even if the glass prop has more health than the metal prop.
When you die, your screen will go black, and a red timer will appear in the middle of your screen. If you own any planets (or your team owns planets and it's in war mode) you will be able to press f4 and choose that spawnpoint. The name you choose will be the name players assigned the spawnpoint when they captured the planet.

Almost forgot, this hasn't been 100% thoroughly tested, since I don't really have a test server anymore. (But it shouldn't be all tooo bad)

Important Note!: I didn't really feel like uploading the entire pack (making it quicker for me and for downloaders) so this pack does not include the content. Yes! that means no materials, models and such. If you have not ever downloaded the global rp server files before, you will need to download version 2.0 first! But! That does not mean you should not DELETE ALL OLD FILES FIRST, EXCEPT THE CONTENT. For dummies, delete everything in your gamemodes/globalrp/ folder EXCEPT gamemodes/globalrp/content and then replace yours with mine. Yes?

-----Version 2.5-----
[+] Added grp_flag to entities (see mapping tutorial for additional information)
[+] Added a player respawn timer
[+] Added the ability to choose your spawnpoint
[+] Added a Planet count to the top bar
[+] Added the ability to add custom songs to the grp jukebox (see data/GlobalRP/musicdata.txt)
[+] Added console command grp_playsong (complete with autocomplete)
[+] Updated the console command grp_help
[+] Made all props breakable

[!] Fixed grp_nexttrack

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